commodity Trading

PJS Group has been operating in the field of Agro Commodity Trading since the early 2000s. We have strengthened our presence in the Agro commodity space by capitalizing on the opportunities in the emerging markets. Our portfolio of Agro commodities compromises more than 10 products being imported and exported across the world.
1. Origination
The origination model focuses on the upstream trading supply chain. It involves procurement of commodities directly from farmers and farmer markets, warehousing, inland logistics and shipping to overseas customers. This allows to work with local community directly for their uplifting parallelly enabling us to create value through our excellent supply chain network spread across emerging markets in Africa.
2. Destination
The destination model focuses on downstream trading supply chain. It involves a comprehensive Marketing and Distribution of products in the country in our brands which command Trust, Respect and Loyalty from our customers. We have an efficient distribution network towards the customers where no compromise over the quality standards is made.
3. End to End
The End to End model combines the origination and destination model into a fully integrated trading value chain allowing us to have full control. Our superior trading practices are backed by excellent supply chain management, logistics management, quality control efficiencies and long-lasting relationships with reputable companies acting as our suppliers and customers.